We have a large range of accessories available, only some of which appear below. If you don't see the product you are looking for, please fill out the form.
Most accessories can be polished to match your table or home decor.
12 Piece Turned Cue StandOn the left is the Twelve Piece Turned Cue Stand, finished with brass cue clips and stained to match your table. 10 Piece Turned Cue StandThis is the Ten Piece Turned Cue Stand, stained to match your table. 8 Piece Corner Cue StandThis is the Eight Piece Corner Cue Stand. (Available in two colours)
Combination Cue Rack

To the left is the combination cue rack, which combines the scorer, an eight piece cue rack, ball rack (holds a full set of Kelly Pool and snooker) and even holds the triangle. Finished off in cloth to match your table.

To the right is an example of an accessory kit to provide you with all the neccessities of Pool and Snooker play.

Veneer CanopyTwo varieties of light canopies are available. To the right is a veneer canopy polished to match your table. (In this photograph, the customer has installed the canopy so that it can be raised and lowered when necessary). Below is the cloth canopy which is made to match the cloth colour on your table.

Cloth Canopy

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